Sunday, April 8, 2018

Are We closer than We Know?

Earthquakes, famines, diseases, and the rise of Islamic terrorism were recorded as our future history a long time ago. It is the inevitable time, which Jesus referred to as "the beginning of sorrows" (Matthew 24:8 KJV). The contingency of dreadful sorrows like these, and even worse ones to come was delineated long before any of us were ever born. Wretchedness and anguish of terrible and severe afflictions troubling the Earth one day was accounted for as a matter of chronological certainty as time progressed. Nonetheless, with watchful eyes and a careful mind, we must be cognizant and consider the abundance of earthquakes, repetitiveness of natural disasters, and the onset of worldwide unrest. The frequency of their simultaneous occurrences allows for understanding and embracing the travail of a changing world, and in very real time. Jesus said, "All these things must come to pass, but it is not the end," Matt 24:6 KJV. The Earth is presently in an effacement stage, and ready to enter into a period of transition. This transition period is described in the Bible as being like that of "a woman in travail," suffering during her time of painful labor to give birth (John 16:21 KJV). If you have ever given birth to a child or witnessed the birthing process, you know that it is very painful. The pains of delivery come with greater frequency, and contractions get harder and harder right before the child is born. Oddly, the last step of active human labor is the transition period. It is the most intense phase of the birthing process, which is the bringing forth of something new.

The individuals alive and present on the Earth during the Great Tribulation will have to endure the intensity of severe and painful travail, which is also referred to in the Bible as the "Day of the Lord" (Zephaniah 1:14 NLT). The New Living translation of Zephaniah 1:14 reads, "That terrible day of the Lord is near, swiftly it comes, a day of bitter tears, a day when even strong men will cry out." Did you hear that? Strong men will cry out! You know, the ones who felt they could take it all, and exalt them above God. The Day of the Lord will be a time of transition from man's domain to God's rule, and just as the birthing labor of a woman presenting with a child at full term; the Earth is starting to show signs of great fatigue. The Earth is getting tired and weary from the process of laboring to birth a new kingdom. The Bible is very clear; the Kingdom of God will be brought forth, however painful that may be. The Earth will one day move from its distress to great joy, just like that of holding a newborn infant in your arms. "She no longer remembers the anguish because of the joy," John 16:21 NASB. The Earth will one day forget its pain and sorrow, and all things will be restored and made new as seen in Revelation 21:1.

In Ecclesiastes 8:7, King Solomon points out that man is overwrought by not knowing the future. There is no reason for any of us to be ignorant of our future. We have the Bible, and that is like having access to a readily available expert, who knows and understands the future. The Bible is a fountainhead of knowledge to those who believe it. Willingly, believers in the Holy Word of God actively keep watch for the signs of sorrows, and they carry heavy hearts for those who choose to ignore it. In Romans 11:25 KJV, the apostle Paul writes, "For I would not, brethren, that you should be ignorant." Accelerated economic, social, and moral changes across the globe have currently rendered every one of us a life of financial insecurity and questionable certainty of anything normal again, but the prophetic details of our future are open and not hidden from us. The past, present, and future framework of all man’s outright history is recorded in numerous prophecies throughout the Bible. "Prophecy came not in old time by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit," 2Peter 1:21 KJV.
Prophecy is the foretelling of God’s will. At His direction, the Holy Spirit gives the intuitive wisdom to know and understand the prophetic. The prophet Isaiah tells us in Isaiah 42:9 KJV, "Former things pass, new things do I declare. Before they spring forth I tell them unto you." God never planned to keep His knowledge, nor the intuitiveness of the future from us. The Bible is the heart and mind of God, and filled with His agenda. The Bible has always been our contract and like every contract, you have to read the fine print. Sorry, but it is all there. God included us in knowing His season for the end of the age of man. In John 14:29 KJV, "I have told you before it came to pass, that when it is come to pass, you might believe."

As humans, we sense a three-dimensional view of the world, but outside of that view is another dimension, known as time. It is in the dimension of time that God operates. He can declare the end from the beginning. He set the future in writing, well ahead of its occurrence, so when it does happen; you might believe. This is what makes the Bible unlike any of the other holy books. It contains hundreds of prophecies, which are already in fulfillment, and occurred just as they were recorded, years ahead of their time. In Isaiah 46:9-10 NIV, "Remember the former things, those of long ago; I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me. I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come." Glory to God! I see it. Prophecy is the very heartbeat of God. Prophecy reveals God's greatness, and His power to reveal the future long before it happens. Isaiah 42:8-9 NIV reads, "I am the Lord. That is my name. I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols. See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being; I announced them to you." God spoke the Earth into existence, and He created man from the "dust" of it (Genesis 2:7 KJV). He is powerful. He is all knowing, and He is the great "I am" (Exodus 3:14 KJV).

Hundreds of prophecies already fulfilled? Yes, for instance, the prophecy regarding Jesus’ birth in Micah 5:2, the timing of His appearance in Daniel 9:25, the Messianic prophecy of His betrayal for 30 pieces of silver in the Old Testament, and how that money would one day be used to buy a plot of land as seen in Zechariah 11:12-13. I could go on and on just discussing the fulfillment of this one prophecy where Judas gave up his right to a heavenly home that Jesus, our Bridegroom, would one day have had prepared for him. He, however, was inclined to settle for a temporary financial gain. Sure, Judas returned the money, and he was sorry he betrayed Jesus, but it was too late. The chief priests and scribes did not want to take the "blood money" back. What had been done was irreversible. Eventually, the money was used to buy a field in which to bury strangers, who died while they were in Jerusalem. It is referred to as the "Field of Blood" in Matthew 27:8 KJV. Ironically, Jesus "came unto His own, and His own received Him not" (John 1:11 KJV). The Jews did not recognize Jesus for who He was. He was a stranger to them. There is a very serious lesson here with the 30 pieces of silver. Where is your treasure? What do you value the most? Is it something short term, or is it something long term with an everlasting value attached to it? Do you have any vision for your life past the current one you are now living?The Bible also contains numerous prophecies regarding events that will devastate our world, precedent to Jesus' return. Luke 21:34-36 NASB tells us exactly what to do in this very serious approaching time. "Be on guard, so that your hearts may not be weighted down with dissipation and drunkenness and the worries of life, and that day will not come on you suddenly like a trap; for it will come upon all those who dwell on the face of the Earth. But keep on alert at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are about to take place and to stand before the Son of Man." The warning message of all the prophets, as well as Jesus Himself, was to turn from sin, repent, and obey God's commandments in order to escape the terrible times, which are to come upon the Earth. Jesus warned us through Luke to watch and pray for the approaching time of devastating events, which will be unlike anything we have ever seen, so that our focus would remain only on Him. We are not to be consumed with the worries of life, so much so, that we miss the clues the time is near. The prophetic messages recorded in the Bible were given to provide us with hope. Hope is not a speculation for some kind of desired outcome; rather to those who accept the Word of God as truth, it is a confident expectation that God intends to fulfill everything He has spoken. Believers have hope in His justice, hope in His love, and hope in His power. God always wins and that is most encouraging.

Game changing weapons of mass destruction have altered war and history, as we have known it. Our generation has reached a zenith moment of perplexing achievement with nuclear and biochemical warfare capability. This kind of capability has brought potentiality for the annihilation of entire nations, as well as that of entire continents. The doomsday clock, a universally recognized clock, representing countdown to a global catastrophe, is currently set at three minutes to midnight. It was set for 11:57 PM on January 22, 2015, ( The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists at the University of Chicago monitors this clock. The closer the impending doom clock is set to midnight; the closer scientists believe the world is going to be in a global disaster. We are only three minutes away from a potential nuclear, political, or environmental catastrophe. In 2014, the clock was set at five minutes to midnight. The clock moved up two minutes at the beginning of 2015. In January of 2016, the clock remained at three minutes to midnight. I hope this statistic is a real eye opening revelation for you. Three minutes! If you knew you only had three minutes to react in some way, what would you do? Global disasters and potential nuclear war threaten life, as we know it. Each and every passing day seems to become that much more precious to all of us. Jesus Himself spoke of a future time in man's history that would be so terrible, no human beings would be spared "unless those days were cut short" (Matthew 24:22 KJV).

Bible prophecies specify numerous cataclysmic events will occur on the Earth before God will intervene to stop their inconceivable destruction. The foretold prophetic events can only lead you to wonder how much crushing ruin and undoing will actually occur. Deplorable and unimaginable events are presently occurring right before our very eyes from the television, on the Internet, and in newspapers around the world every single day. Many of you probably find yourselves asking the same question Jesus’ disciples asked Him. What specific events will signal His return? How bad are things really going to get, and when can you count on Him coming back for you? Jesus answered the disciples; stating no one knows the exact time of His return, saying, "Only the Father" would know when. We see His reply in Mark 13:32 KJV, "Of that day and hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, but my Father only." Only the Father knows! Why the mystery? In Last Call for the Church I explain this mystery as it parallels ancient Jewish wedding customs. This teaching can be found at

Excerpt From
Last Call for The Church
Patricia C. McGlennon
This material may be protected by copyright.

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