Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Coming Kingdom

“Most people do not think of Jesus as a prophet. Even so, after the imprisonment of John the Baptist, Jesus’ ministry message was and still is the gospel of the coming Kingdom of God as found in Mark 1:14. Jesus stirred things up. He lit up the hearts of the disciples, and the church was made fertile at Pentecost when the gift of the Holy Spirit arrived just as He had promised. Post His Ascension; He has continued His mission to this day through His bride, the church. Jesus’ promise to return for you is an excellent example of prophecy, and a message of hope.
In prophecy, Jesus is the central figure, and the focus is always on the coming Kingdom of God. All prophecy in some way relates to the birthing of this forthcoming kingdom. The prophecies, which relate to end time events, the Rapture of the Church, and the Tribulation are the ones, which affect our immediate future.
Daniel tells us in Daniel 2:44 NKJV, "The God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed. It shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever." In Revelation 11:15 NIV, the apostle John reaffirms, "When the last of seven prophetic trumpets sound, a triumphant announcement will be heard, the kingdoms of this world have become the “kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever.”
Ever since the day of banishment from the Garden of Eden, all of human history has been in a joint effort to produce the climax of the coming Kingdom of God, with the defeat of Satan. The Bible is alive. The more you read it, the further it reveals itself to you. It is God's blueprint of all that is, has been, or ever will be. The Bible contains prophecies that could only have been fulfilled in a day and time of game-changing weapons of war like those presently in existence. When the disciples asked Jesus when the things He was describing to them during the Olivet Prophecy would occur, and what would be the sign of His coming; He responded with a narrative of conditions to watch for. However, in Matthew 24:34, He further clarified that when all the signs He spoke of became apparent; His return would occur within one generation. "I tell you the truth, this generation will not pass from the scene until all these things take place," Matthew 24:34 NLT. Only one generation will witness "all" of the mounting global crises Jesus described to the disciples in the Olivet Prophecy.”

Excerpt From
Last Call for The Church by
Patricia C. McGlennon
This material may be protected by copyright. 
Available on Amazon or wherever books are sold. https://amzn.to/36YdeF9

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Olive Trees

“Command the children of Israel that they bring unto thee pure olive oil beaten for the light, to cause a lamp to burn continually." Leviticus 24:2”
The Day of the Lord will be God’s hour to orchestrate His wrath for disobedience to His commandments. This measure of judgmental upset coincides with Jesus’ warning that nothing would survive, if He did not return (Matthew 24:22). Therefore, you can sense here that wars, famines, pestilences, and earthquakes are only minor compared to what is coming on a very, very large, destructive scale. Jesus has given us oil through the presence of His Holy Spirit, which has become our intuitive intelligence to be prepared, as we have been instructed. Oil is synonymous with preparedness. The Bible is not a cliffhanger. God has told us the end from the beginning. The anointing oil coming to us from the presence of the Holy Spirit, which is our Helper, gives us the understanding of the necessity to be ready for the arrival of our rapture. God has not kept the mystery of the Rapture from us; the Bible tells us Jesus could come at any moment His Father so chooses. We are to keep our light burning brightly from the oil of knowledge given to us by God's Holy Word. Do not let your lamps go out!
The Mount of Olives got its name from its numerous olive trees and olive oil presses. Jesus spent His last night there. What is the significance of that? In ancient Israel, olive oil not only served as fuel for lamps, but was also used for the anointing of kings and priests. An interesting thing about an olive tree is that it has to be cultivated to produce optimum fruit. To become prolific, an olive tree needs to be grafted. In horticulture, grafting is taking a good branch and making it grow on a smaller or different branch of the same variety. It was very common in ancient Israel to graft branches of good olive-producing trees to wild olive trees. Wild olive trees do not produce good fruit even though they have exceptionally large and impressive root systems. A wonderful reference here is the grafting in of the Gentiles with the Jews to become God's chosen people. "If the root is holy, so are the branches. But some of these branches from Abraham's tree, some of the people of Israel, have been broken off. And you Gentiles, who were branches from a wild olive tree, have been grafted in. So now you also receive the blessings God has promised Abraham and his children, sharing in the rich nourishment from the root of God's special olive tree,” Romans 11:16-17 NLT. Only God could have taken a wild olive tree, such as the Gentiles, and grafted them to a good tree and had its branches produce much more fruit. Glory to God! By faith in Him, we are counted as the "children of Abraham" (Galatians 3:7).
The Mount of Olives is a very distinguished place of significance in the Bible. It is not only the site where Jesus gave the Olivet Prophecy, or the place where He prayed to His Father before His betrayal, but it was also the site of Jesus’ Ascension (Acts 1:11), as well as the prophetic site of His return to Jerusalem (Zechariah 14:4). Glory to God! No wonder Jesus liked being on the Mount of Olives. The place reminded Him of who He was: a very special olive tree indeed; the light of the world. The olive trees produced oil, which rendered light for lamps in a dark world, and the precious oil of olives anointed kings and priests. "Then spake Jesus unto them, saying, I am the light of the world; he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life," John 8:12 KJV.

Excerpt From
Last Call for The Church
By Patricia C. McGlennon
Available at Amazon https://amzn.to/2IGvjwV  or wherever books are sold.
This material may be protected by copyright.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

The Bible is Alive and Timeless

“The Bible is sequential and very much a living book. It is timeless. Every word of it hinges on something previously spoken, and therein lays the great divide between it, and the other books considered as holy. The Bible is a book of proposition. "Come now, and let us reason together," Isaiah 1:18 KJV. The Bible invites you to come inside, and its text comes to life as we ourselves live it out in the transformation of our hearts, and in the renewing of our minds. The Bible is so very much alive. The more you read it, the further it reveals itself to you. It is God's blueprint of all that is, has been, or ever will be. The Bible contains prophecies that could only have been fulfilled in a day and time of game-changing weapons of war like those presently in existence. When the disciples asked Jesus when the things He was describing to them during the Olivet Prophecy would occur, and what would be the sign of His coming; He responded with a narrative of conditions to watch for. However, in Matthew 24:34, He further clarified that when all the signs He spoke of became apparent; His return would occur within one generation. "I tell you the truth, this generation will not pass from the scene until all these things take place," Matthew 24:34 NLT. Only one generation will witness "all" of the mounting global crises Jesus described to the disciples in the Olivet Prophecy.
The book of Revelation is the last and final book of the Bible. Almost all of the prophecies given throughout the Old Testament, as well as those in the New Testament converge in this one single book. The supreme objective of Revelation was to reveal the future. Jesus Himself is the ‘One’ who did the revealing, and the apostle John recorded everything he was allowed to witness. This final and closing book of the Bible details world history from the time of the early church to the time of eternity, and has to be read with the understanding that the book itself is a "gift." Revelation 1:1 NLT reads, "This is a revelation from Jesus Christ which God gave him to show his servants the events that must soon take place." The book of Revelation describes the future events, which lead to God’s ultimate goal, establishing His kingdom on the Earth. Revelation, even though it is compiled with parts of Daniel, Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21, demands the understanding of Ezekiel and Isaiah to grip the symbolism and strange imagery it puts forth. The Bible reveals itself from cover to cover, and every word of it hinges on the next. Read it for your own understanding, and read it with a warrior quest of seeking true revelation.”

Excerpt From
Last Call for The Church
Patricia C. McGlennon
This material may be protected by copyright. Available at Amazon or wherever books are sold.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

The gifts Jesus gave the bride, the church

“God, the Father, paid the mohar gift by offering the life of His Only Son, but Jesus, our Bridegroom, lavished the mattan gifts on the church, His bride. He gave us eternal life. "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me and I give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand," John 10:27-28 KJV. He gave us peace. "Peace, I leave with you, my peace I give unto you, not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid," John 14:27 KJV. He also gave us the right to ask for anything in His name. "And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask anything in my name, I will do it," John 14: 13-14 KJV. I hope this verse blesses your heart. He gave you, the believer, His name, just like when a bride takes her husband's name. He intended to take good care of you forever. There is power in Jesus’ name. By faith in His precious Word, ask for your needs to be met, and believe in your heart; you have received it.”

Excerpt From
Last Call for the Church
Patricia C. McGlennon
This material may be protected by copyright. Available at Amazon or wherever books are sold.