Friday, April 22, 2016

You are Invited! Save the Date!!

You are Invited! Save the Date!!

It is so amazing that the first miracle Jesus performed was at a wedding, and it is recorded in John 2:1-11 ESV. Verses 1-4 read, "On the third day there was a wedding at Cana in Galilee; and the mother of Jesus was there. Jesus also was invited to the wedding with His disciples. When the wine ran out, the mother of Jesus said to Him, "They have no wine." And Jesus said to her, "Woman, what does this have to do with me? My hour has not yet come." Jesus knew His destiny! He knew that one day, wine was going to be symbolic of His blood, and that it would be poured out for all. Continuing with verses 5-10, "His mother said to the servants, ‘Do whatever he tells you.’ Now, there were six stone water jars there for the Jewish rites of purification, each holding 20 or 30 gallons. Jesus said to the servants, ‘Fill the jars with water.’ And they filled them up to the brim. And He said to them, ‘Now draw some out and take it to the master of the feast.’ So they took it. When the master of the feast tasted the water now become wine, and did not know where it came from, the master of the feast called the bridegroom and said to him, ‘Everyone serves the good wine first, and when people have drunk freely, then the poor wine. But you have kept the good wine until now.’"

The interesting thing about this wedding is that not only did Jesus turn water into wine, but also the surprise blessing to this narrative is that the wedding party ran out of wine on the third day of the celebration. This is a foreshadowing that Jesus would renew all things that were empty, or lacking in the lives of people, who believed in Him on the third day after His Crucifixion. Hallelujah! The wedding narrative also implies that Jesus was very sensitive to His timing. He knew He had to comply with His Father’s will regarding timing. He refers to His mother as, "Woman," which indicates that if He does as she has suggested regarding the wine; there is going to be a relationship change between them. His life will never be the same if He does as she has asked, and neither will hers. His remark does not seem to bother Mary. Why? Because, she was expecting something extraordinary to occur! She already knew that He was special, and John the Baptist had earlier confirmed at His baptism that He was the Messiah.

Mary told the servants to do whatever He told them to do. She wanted Him to manifest Himself to Israel. Just like any proud mother would, and it sounded like Jesus may have already reached His manhood. Just a little light humor! I am a mother myself, and I would have raised a brow at being referred to as "woman." Picking up at verse 11, "This, the first of His signs, Jesus did at Cana in Galilee, and manifested His glory. And His disciples believed in Him." This first miracle of water to wine was the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. A second relationship change between Jesus and His mother occurred again at the Crucifixion. While He was hanging on the Cross and dying, He looked down and referred to her again as "Woman," (John 19:26 KJV). Jesus was about to do something so much greater than the miracle of turning water into wine. This time on a third day, He was going to rise from the dead, and conquer sin. This time, things were never going to be the same. He was going to become the Bridegroom, and return to His Father’s house, until it is time to return for the church, His bride, which He had just bought! Hallelujah! Glory to God!

The people who believed in the power of Jesus saw miracles as a result of their faith; whether they witnessed water being turned into wine, the healing of the sick, the raising of the dead, the feeding of a multitude, the calming of a storm, the walking on the water, or the letting of the Sadducees know beforehand that the veil in the Temple was coming down. That is my Jesus! The ‘One’ that I know. He is the ‘One’ that I am waiting for. I like the way that He delivered all that our Father said regarding the manifestation of His eternal Word. I am expecting Him to show up at any moment. The new covenant was cut with His blood, it is filled with our ketubah promises, and it is our New Testament! The New Testament is so much more than a contract. It is a blood covenant that called for the mohar of Jesus' blood. The New Testament is a blood covenant that takes blood from another, and gives life to the recipient. In any marriage, there is a mingling of blood, and a name change takes place! Jesus gave us, His perfect blood, and by faith in Him, we are called the Bride of Christ, the Church. Praise God!

 To find out more about your invitation to the wedding of the Messiah, I invite you to read, like or share Last Call for The Church which is now available at my Amazon/Createspace estore: 

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Are you a key holder?
When you seek God with all of your heart, and with all of your soul, one day He will show up. It is a promise that God made, and He cannot lie. I know this first hand. I longed to know God. I was so hungry for His word that I went looking for Him and I found Him. He revealed Himself to me and I revealed myself to Him as well. When you seek God, He will prepare you for the day that He does show up and manifests Himself to you. When that day arrives, you will know that God is very real. There is nothing man could ever tell me that would change my mind, because I have heard His voice. The moment your eyes are opened completely, is the day you are given the Key of David. Having this key provides you with an absolute certainty, and this is the most comforting place to be.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Beyond my wildest dreams to share the gospel message of the coming kingdom of God and of His Christ in 14 countries.
Revelation 4:2 opens with the apostle John saying that he is "in the spirit" and the kingdom is opened to him. In his vision, he immediately sees God sitting on a throne. He then sees a lamb, which has been slaughtered, and it is standing right in front of the throne. Instantly, John witnesses this slaughtered lamb become a lion. He then realizes that this vision of a lamb, as well as the one of a lion, is really that of a King, who is standing before God. After describing the scene in heaven, John focuses in on a scroll that God is holding. He senses that the little scroll book is an extremely important document. You can almost feel him withdrawing into the background a bit to take in all that he sees, and it is revealed to him that the “one” who was not only the slaughtered lamb, but also a lion, as well as a King, is the only one who has been found worthy enough to open the seals on this scroll. This “scroll” contains the operations’ plan that is going to establish the Kingdom of God on the Earth.