Tuesday, June 18, 2019

The Bible is Alive and Timeless

“The Bible is sequential and very much a living book. It is timeless. Every word of it hinges on something previously spoken, and therein lays the great divide between it, and the other books considered as holy. The Bible is a book of proposition. "Come now, and let us reason together," Isaiah 1:18 KJV. The Bible invites you to come inside, and its text comes to life as we ourselves live it out in the transformation of our hearts, and in the renewing of our minds. The Bible is so very much alive. The more you read it, the further it reveals itself to you. It is God's blueprint of all that is, has been, or ever will be. The Bible contains prophecies that could only have been fulfilled in a day and time of game-changing weapons of war like those presently in existence. When the disciples asked Jesus when the things He was describing to them during the Olivet Prophecy would occur, and what would be the sign of His coming; He responded with a narrative of conditions to watch for. However, in Matthew 24:34, He further clarified that when all the signs He spoke of became apparent; His return would occur within one generation. "I tell you the truth, this generation will not pass from the scene until all these things take place," Matthew 24:34 NLT. Only one generation will witness "all" of the mounting global crises Jesus described to the disciples in the Olivet Prophecy.
The book of Revelation is the last and final book of the Bible. Almost all of the prophecies given throughout the Old Testament, as well as those in the New Testament converge in this one single book. The supreme objective of Revelation was to reveal the future. Jesus Himself is the ‘One’ who did the revealing, and the apostle John recorded everything he was allowed to witness. This final and closing book of the Bible details world history from the time of the early church to the time of eternity, and has to be read with the understanding that the book itself is a "gift." Revelation 1:1 NLT reads, "This is a revelation from Jesus Christ which God gave him to show his servants the events that must soon take place." The book of Revelation describes the future events, which lead to God’s ultimate goal, establishing His kingdom on the Earth. Revelation, even though it is compiled with parts of Daniel, Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21, demands the understanding of Ezekiel and Isaiah to grip the symbolism and strange imagery it puts forth. The Bible reveals itself from cover to cover, and every word of it hinges on the next. Read it for your own understanding, and read it with a warrior quest of seeking true revelation.”

Excerpt From
Last Call for The Church
Patricia C. McGlennon
This material may be protected by copyright. Available at Amazon or wherever books are sold.